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Rental no Koi Episode 1-10 END Subtitle Indonesia

20th Oktober 2020, 18248 | Series: Rental no Koi

Rental no Koi Episode 1-10 END Subtitle Indonesia

Download Drama Jepang Rental no Koi Subtitle Indonesia

Downlaod Drama Rental no Koi Eps 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sub Indo


Ayame Gouriki : Remi Takasugi

Taiga : Kosuke Yamada

Yukino Kishii : Sumire Michibata

Kentaro : Hayato Tachibana

Mikie Hara : Yu Amato

Rental no Koi Sub Indo

Sinopsis Drama Jepang Rental no Koi

Remi Takasugi (Ayame Gouriki) works for “Rental Lovers” which offers women for dates. She is the most popular woman at the company. Remi Takasugi carries out requests from her customers, but she does not provide sexual service. She figures out her customer’s tastes and becomes the ideal date for her them. When she finishes her work, she never smiles and she wears bandage around her neck.

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Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10

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