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Tokyo Vice (2022) Episode 1-8 END Subtitle Indonesia

13th Mei 2022, 6251 | Series: Tokyo Vice (2022)

Tokyo Vice (2022) Episode 1-8 END Subtitle Indonesia

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Details Tokyo Vice
Native Title: Tokyo Vice
Also Known As: トウキョウ・バイス , トウキョウ バイス

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Tokyo Vice (2022) Sub Indo

Jake Adelstein is the first Western reporter ever to write for a Japanese-language newspaper.

Based on his memoir, “Tokyo Vice” is Jake’s daily descent into the neon-soaked underbelly of Tokyo, where he embeds himself into the police squad and becomes enmeshed in the hidden, complex, and corrupted cultures of the city’s vice cops and the criminal underworld.

“Tokyo Vice” takes us deep into a series of overlapping worlds, where no one and nothing is who or what they seem.

(Source: Endeavor Content)

~~ Loosely inspired by the memoir “Tokyo Vice: An American Reporter on the Police Beat in Japan” (トウキョウ・バイス: アメリカ人記者の警察回り体験記) by Jake Adelstein.
~~ A co-production between the U.S.A and Japan.

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